A FREE Workshop For Women Ready to Level Up Their Dating Game

FIND YOUR MATE! (Without even trying)

3 Day Workshop Series

Starting October 17th @ 3PM EST/12PM PST

Watch this video for all the details!

What you'll learn in this workshop:

  • Learn how you might be sabotaging your dating efforts unknowingly and what you can do to get better results

  • Why you need to be crystal clear on what exactly you are looking for in a mate - there will be things here we'll cover that I guarantee you have NEVER thought of

  • How to put it all together and unlock your manifesting magic - all you have to do is be available


1.) It’s a well known fact amongst those in the know about manifesting that whatever you spend your time focusing on, is what you end up creating in your life. 

You need to have more of your energy focused on what you actually want, instead of on what you want to avoid.

2.)  I have met VERY few people who have actually sat down and thoroughly thought out what it is they want in a partner and how they want to feel in a relationship.

I have heard FAR too many women say they are happier without a partner ‘telling them what they can and can’t do’, or ‘I don’t want another man-child’, or ‘I don’t need more drama in my life’.

All totally understandable! Who wants that? I'm here to tell you there are plenty of men out there that will compliment your life, and not complicate it.

All the more reason to focus on what else is POSSIBLE. Focus on what you actually WANT.

But to do that, you have to KNOW what you want.

3.) Gaining clarity helps you align your thoughts + feelings + actions. When your energy is in alignment and moving toward what you want, it’s just a matter of time before you get it.

Many of you have an idea of what you want, but you don’t believe it’s out there. Or you don’t really know what can be possible because you’ve never experienced it before. 

The juice behind manifesting is knowing and FEELING it ahead of time. You can’t add that juice if you don’t know, right?

The workshop will be held over the course of 3 days: October 17th, 18th and Monday the 21st.

You get the weekend to catch up so you’re ready to put it all together and learn how to do the actual manifesting on Monday.

This will be a ‘get-it-done’ style workshop. On the calls we’ll do the work together. 

Ladies! After 20+ years of years dating the wrong ones, I learned some very important things about dating.

I had been unknowingly sabotaging my own dating efforts!

My whole approach to dating was not helping and was causing me to waste a lot of time on the wrong ones.

For starters, I was using the 'red flag' approach, where I would be on the lookout for red flag behavior from anyone I dated.

This doesn't work. It never works to focus on what you DON'T want.

If you want to make dating so much easier on yourself, you need to not only know the green flags you want, but you need to EMBODY them.

You also have to get yourself out of your energetic rut.

If you want to manifest anything, you need to get your energy in alignment with what it is you want.

Things can happen SO FAST when you do that!

It did for me.

Once I applied everything I'm going to teach you in this workshop, I met the man that became my husband within


Don't miss this life changing workshop!

Sign up Today!

What we’ll cover each day:

Thursday the 17th: I’ll cover how your own physiology and body language could be sabotaging your chances of finding the partner you want. You’ll get to examine your own body language and energy and what that might be communicating about you. We’ll also work on the tangible or physical aspects that you want in a relationship

Friday the 18th: This day is dedicated to discovering your own personal values and we’ll talk about the intangible things you want in a partner and in the relationship in general. You’ll be doing a values assessment, jotting down the intangibles you want AND we’ll work on somatically preparing your body to receive these things so you can recognize them when you find them in someone else.

Monday the 21st: This is your chance to ask questions that came up over the weekend. Also, we’re going to talk all things manifesting. I will be walking you through a meditation you can use to manifest your dream partner into life. (Those that register will be given the link to download the guided meditation)

This is for you if :

  • You've not had good luck in dating

  • You're ready to date again but it feels heavy or overwhelming and just don't know where to start

  • You rely on the red flags as a way of trying to determine if someone is a 'good catch'

  • You want an easier way to date

  • You want to find 'the one' to share your life with ASAP

  • You are tired of wasting your time on the WRONG ONES

What You'll Learn In This Workshop:

How You are sabotaging your own efforts

Learn how you might be sabotaging your dating efforts unknowingly and what you can do to get better results right away

you'll gain so much more clarity no what you want

You need to be crystal clear on what exactly you are looking for in a mate. I guarantee you are missing some very important things you haven't even thought of

How to put it all together and manifest your Love

I'll show you how to put together everything you learned from day 1 and day 2 to unlock your manifesting magic - all you have to do is be available



Jen Youngquist, Certified Coach

Jen spent 20+ attracting in the wrong types of partners, so she's very familiar with where you are right now. It wasn't until she experienced a spiritual awakening that she finally was able to shed her old patterns and find a great mate. She's now happily married and it is her life mission to help others find healthy, fulfilling relationships. She became a coach to cut through the process of painful relationship trial and error.

What People are Saying...

" I think my biggest challenge was my lack of really good, well-defined boundaries in my life. From a personal standpoint, that caused me to use up all of my energy trying to be a people pleaser. I finally got to a point where I was just frustrated with life and frustrated with not being able to live the kind of life I wanted to live because I was taking care of everyone else. As you can imagine that didn't bode well for relationships, especially the romantic kind. Not being empowered to include yourself in the equation will make you a target for certain personalities and certain types of people who are naturally attracted to people who don't have great boundaries and who are willing to just kind of exhaust themselves for someone else. After working with Jen I have a much better understanding of myself, mostly of what I want and who I want to be. The greatest thing that I have gained from working with Jen, is peace. Peace for me is the ability to be who I want to be in the context of my life and I no longer need to seek outside validation for that. My relationships have improved tremendously because of it."

Tim Klostermeier, MD

Don't let more time slip away!

Sign up for this can't miss workshop TODAY!

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