A FREE Workshop For Growth-Minded Women

Stop Dating Jerks & Emotionally Unavailable Men

(By Healing Your Father Wound)

September 5th @ 3PM EST/12PM PST

Replay Available

What you'll learn:

  • What the Father Wound is and how it contributes to your pattern of dating of jerks and emotionally unavailable men

  • How the father wound is holding you back from the love you want NOW

  • How to start to heal your father wound so you can break your dating rut and find THE ONE

If you haven't yet found your soulmate partner there are a few reasons for that.

One of the major reasons that women struggle to find a match is because...of Dad. Most Dads had the best of intentions, but sometimes, they fall short and their behavior can have a lasting impact on their daughter especially around how she relates to men.

The sneaky part of this is that you may not even know you have a father wound until you try to find a partner and it just never ends up working out.

If you have noticed a pattern in your romantic relationships and you are super frustrated with dating, it's highly likely that you have a father wound.

This workshop is designed to give you the answers you have been looking for.

Don't miss this life changing workshop!

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This is for you if your dad did any of these things:

  • Was overprotective or controlling

  • Was highly critical of you

  • Was UNAVAILABLE physically or emotionally (Gave you the silent treatment or withheld love as punishment, didn't 'see' you, didn't really connect with you, something else was always more important, didn't support you)

  • Suffered a mental health condition (diagnosed or not, including C-PTSD)

  • Abandoned you - he left or passed when you were very young

  • Made you feel unsafe (he had anger issues, abused you in any way, didn't protect you)

  • Had an addiction

And if you can check any of these boxes, then this workshop is for you:

  • You didn't feel 'good enough' for your dad or like you could never please him

  • Have a pattern of dating emotionally unavailable people

  • Tend to always put others' needs before your own (people pleasing)

  • Tend to accept partners who just don't treat you well

  • Feel insecure in relationships

  • Feel like you must work hard for love and put up with receiving crumbs of love from romantic partners

  • Tend to hold on to wrong fit partners (perhaps hoping that things will eventually get better or he'll change - but he never changes for you)

  • Find yourself not attracted to 'good' guys

  • You have perfectionist tendencies

  • Boundaries are an issue for you

  • You like to have a lot of control over things in your life

  • You have a hard time trusting other people - especially men

  • You tend to attract narcissists or those with other personality or mental health disorders

What You'll Learn In This Workshop:

What the 'father wound' is

Defining it, how the wound is created in childhood (even if you had an OK Dad)

How the father wound is holding you back from the love you want now

We'll cover some common patterns that appear in our relationships as a result of the father wound

How to start to heal your father wound so you can break your rut and find your soulmate

We'll cover the specific steps to healing a father wound and get started on the first step in the workshop



Jen Youngquist, Certified Coach

Jen spent 20+ attracting in the wrong types of partners, so she's very familiar with where you are right now. It wasn't until she experienced a spiritual awakening that she finally was able to shed her old patterns and find a great mate. She's now happily married and it is her life mission to help others find healthy, fulfilling relationships. She became a coach to cut through the process of painful relationship trial and error.

What People are Saying...

" I think my biggest challenge was my lack of really good, well-defined boundaries in my life. From a personal standpoint, that caused me to use up all of my energy trying to be a people pleaser. I finally got to a point where I was just frustrated with life and frustrated with not being able to live the kind of life I wanted to live because I was taking care of everyone else. As you can imagine that didn't bode well for relationships, especially the romantic kind. Not being empowered to include yourself in the equation will make you a target for certain personalities and certain types of people who are naturally attracted to people who don't have great boundaries and who are willing to just kind of exhaust themselves for someone else. After working with Jen I have a much better understanding of myself, mostly of what I want and who I want to be. The greatest thing that I have gained from working with Jen, is peace. Peace for me is the ability to be who I want to be in the context of my life and I no longer need to seek outside validation for that. My relationships have improved tremendously because of it."

Tim Klostermeier, MD

Don't let more time slip away!

Sign up for this can't miss workshop TODAY!

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